Preseason Schedule Information
Preseason Play begins on Thursday, August 8.
- WEEK 1 (August 8)
- Focused heavily on skills drills & games for NEW
players, in response to many captains who have requested more
opportunity to see new players. This will be capped at 96
players for the night. Returning players can request when
registering to play also the first week but we anticipate not
being able to accommodate many requests. Only players who
are requested/notified should plan to attend.
- WEEK 2 (August 15)
- All games! Everyone plays! The preseason teams
will be automatically drafted based on captain feedback from
week 1 and last division played. Captains should stick
around to observe when not playing.
- WEEK 3 (August 22)
- All games! Everyone plays! Captains will have
selected players to move up and move down, preseason teams will
be automatically drafted based on that feedback. Captains
should stick around to observe when not playing.
- For weeks 2 & 3: (A) Each division will play a single
match of 3 games, capped at 50 minutes; (B) no refs, keep your
own scores.
Preseason Team assignments are usually published to the website
one or two days prior to the games (Tuesday or Wednesday).
This is necessary because last-minute cancellations create havoc
with the teams when published too early.
- If you know you will not be able to attend a preseason match,
please notify us by email ASAP. This greatly helps our
planning and will make for a better experience for those who
- Players on the Wait List will be assigned to Preseason
Teams. Captains will need to evaluate these players in
case spots open up for full season play.
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